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visits Since August 2006
East Garston has an enviable location in wildest West Berkshire, in the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is a long, narrow parish of nearly 4,500 acres in the far west of the county, between the village of Lambourn and town of Newbury. The village occupies the centre of the parish, through which runs the river Lambourn. The parish has approximately 232 dwellings and a population of 535 (2011 census). The village sits just off the unclassified road that runs from Great Shefford, along the valley to Lambourn.
For more than 7 years East Garston Parish Council supported this website which became an enviable information source and social history archive for our community. The webmaster retired from the management of the site and the Parish Council had to rethink its approach to a web presence. Since October 2015 has become the current community website for East Garston but we are pleased to say that none of this valuable archive has been lost. The archive aspects of can still be accessed here thanks to the sponsorship of village resident James Pryer.

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space sponsored by Pryer Consultancy Services.