Open Bell Tower
The Bell Tower and its Ringers 2006
Like many village
churches, All Saints' has a ring of six bells, the oldest of these
is the second which is inscribed with the date 1667. Many family names
associated with the the village over the years have been involved
with bellringing including the Woodley family. William Woodley was
tower captain for many years until his death. George Woodley and his
two brothers rang a muffled peal at his funeral and George continued
ringing as tower captain until 1947 - a total of sixty years. This
achievement was recorded in the Newbury Weekly News in 1951. |
bellringers displays were packed with information in both text and
photographic format. Profiles of each of our ringers along with their
guild certificates were amongst many items on view. There was also much history recorded on the display boards including reference to The Rev. C.W.O Jenkin who was born in East Garston in 1874. Learned to ring in Lambourn and East Garston as a boy and finally Married in East Garston in September 1898 . Jenkin was a prolific ringer who rang his first peal - a memorized sequence of 5040 changes lasting 3 hours - at Cambridge in 1894. |
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East Garstons'
four regular bellringers were in attendance
to give advise and encouragement to any one that may have expressed
an interest in ringing. They were also there of course to give
bell ringing demonstrations throughout the weekend. |
An added bonus
for the ringers and any potential new recruit - was the arrival of
Marcus Allum, the ringing master for the Newbury branch of the Oxford
Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers, who kindly gave up his weekend
to help out where necessary. Marcus is an advanced ringer and has
all the skills needed to teach from scratch, as a consequence his
arrival made it possible for non ringers to actually have ago themselves.
It's fair to say that he was kept very busy during the two days. |
Explanations on how a bell
rings and what the various bell positions and terms mean were demonstrated
using this model built by Marcus |
Mark had also rigged up
a direct video link from bell tower to ringing chamber. This gave
live pictures of the bells in action and proved very useful when trying
to explain to non ringers exactly how bells responded to the various
rope movements. |
everything in place - it was time to see just how it felt to
pull a bell rope |
can clearly be seen from these pictures - there was no shortage of
takers for the rare opportunity that had presented itself. |
: Ken Tarbox
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