Diamond Jubilee (ASC)
All Saints' Church Celebrations over the weekend in June 2012
Community Service on Sunday morning, which was attended by 100 children
and adults was an appropriate start to the festivities and partying in the village. |
The String Ensemble from the Active Music Club, played again at
this service, conducted by Patricia Glover, who initiated this group.
A delightful duet was performed by David and Hannah Glover aged
12 and 10 years respectively, on violin and cello. |
conclusion of the weekend was to have been a Party in the Garden
on Tuesday evening, but unfortunately, the Great British weather decided not to play ball. |
So instead, people gathered once more within the church, to reflect
on what had indeed been a wonderful weekend in East Garston Village.
A presentation picture of the garden was made to Mrs Robert Lamplough,
who generously sponsored the Jubilee Garden. |
you to everyone who came during the four days, to those who organised,
took part or lent precious souvenirs and to all who gave generously
to Church funds. Your support was tremendous. |
Photos : Martin
: Sally Wright
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