Garston GallopersArchive
At East Garston 2010
East Garston Dance Out
Monday 6th September was to be our very own Dance Out at the Queen’s Arms in East Garston in celebration of our first year of Morris Dancing. Unfortunately, the day produced the most torrential rain imaginable so things looked disappointing as we arrived at the pub. Not to be outdone, contact was made with Alan and Wendy Money who saved the day by opening up the Village Hall and Social Club for us. Thank you Wendy and Matthew, for manning the bar at 10 minutes’ notice!
East Garston Fete
had a full complement of dancers on the day – nine of us (seven
of whom danced last year) plus Penny and Jean, our support team
from Kintbury Morris. Alan was playing the melodeon and George
was on the drum. |
danced two sets of four dances and were very well received by fete-goers.
There might have been the odd slip-up now and again, but hopefully nobody noticed! |
Photo : Peter Cook |
Photo :
Peter Cook |
was plenty of audience participation for our final dance of each set,
having had no difficulty in persuading people to join in. |
were especially pleased to see our friends from Lumbawakk (another
Morris side) who had journeyed from Didcot to support us and who joined
in our final dances with enthusiasm. An improptu collection afterwards
raised the fantastic total of £81 towards fete funds. |
Text : Jackie Breadmore
Photos : Ken Tarbox
(unless otherwise credited)
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