May Day
Garston Gallopers Early May Bank Holiday 2013
Day Bank Holiday dawned warm and sunny and we were once again in
Kintbury, dancing outside the church in the morning. |
was a big crowd to watch us and the crowning of the May Queen (who
found the whole event rather overwhelming!) . |
and George led the procession up to Coronation Hall, where there
was a display of Maypole dancing from the children of Kintbury Primary
School, with Jon and George providing the musical accompaniment
and Penny directing operations. |
young children were itching to join in, so we had a ‘children only’
invitation dance of Quest, which was enjoyed by all. |
was followed by a few more dances from us before we moved on to
the Blue Ball for refreshments. Jon and George were certainly ready
for a break having been playing their melodeons continuously for
a couple of hours! |
afternoon we had been invited to dance for the residents of Froxfield
Almshouses. We were all surprised at what lay behind the A4 – a
square of pretty terraced cottages surrounding a huge green with
a chapel in the centre. It was a beautiful setting in which to dance,
though the grass was very spongy making jumping hard work. |
it was time for a break we were treated to a magnificent afternoon
tea provided by Sarah, one of our dancers, who lives there. We tried
to dance in every corner of the green so that house-bound residents
were able to watch. |
had a busy weekend at the beginning of May, with our dances
starting on the Sunday at a fund-raising event in aid of "Against
Breast Cancer" at Harwell. Sadly there are no photos from
the Harwell event, but it was held in front of the Diamond Light
Source building and went well. Quite a few children asked to
join in, so we had a few additional dancers for our final dance. |