Village Fete
Page Three - 2009
of the most talked about and eagerly anticipated items of the day
was about to unfold, as our intrepid Morris Dancers took up their
positions it was possible to see and indeed to feel the apprehension.amongst
some of them. However, they proceeded to give us a spirited and professional
performance, a performance that was a credit to themselves and to
the village as a whole. |
short break to re-coup and to introduce more dancers ~ and the "Garston
Gallopers"were off again. |
you consider that none of these fine people were Morris dancers until
a week or so before the fete, you have to take your hat off to them
for the speed at which they learned their craft. Only three lessons
and they produced a fun packed, well devised fifteen or so minutes.
A word of praise here for the instructor and the accordian player
as well. |
the second dance, Chris circulates with the hat ~ after all raising
money is what fete day is all about. |
more dance ~ but this time the "Garston
Gallopers" rope in several members of the audience. Morris Dancing has proved so popular that it is likely that the "Garston Gallopers" may well become a permanent fixture. |
Photos : Ken Tarbox